As the first Turkish artist to exhibit at Katara, İrfan Önürmen’s exhibition “Disorder” will feature pieces created through multi layered compositions of abstract forms and figures from mass media contents, Islamic ornamental art and symbols from daily life. Based on contrasts, between black and white, symmetric and asymmetric, the exhibition explores the themes of order and chaos. Önürmen’s unique approach to the geometric abstract ornamental art of the East will come live in his first solo exhibition. Önürmen will be the first artist of the International Artist in Residency Program which has been developed and supported by Katara Art Studios. The programme serves as an educational platform where knowledge exchange will be promoted and encouraged between the International Artists in Residence, the guest artists, and Qatari artists. İrfan was born in Bursa; Turkey and is a leading figure in modern art of Turkey where he has produced exceptional artworks over the last 20 years using various different media that include canvas, newspaper and tulle as well as installations.
Thursday, 20 September 2012 Saturday, 27 October 2012