On the occasion of the celebration of the National Day of Korea, تقدّم المؤسّسة general Cultural Village Foundation-katara in cooperation with the Embassy of Korea in Doha a series of presentations highlighting the Korean culture to the audience, Doha with a focus on the view of the people of Qatar to a different culture. The aim of katara to the strengthening of the central role of Culture in التطوّر humanitarian and social and economic developments through film, art, music, dance, and celebrate the traditions and culture of Korea. The film will be presented dealing with various lifestyles, mentalities and values which check out prospects إيجابيبة Korean culture and way of thinking of its people, which they want to hear about their country. Will help offers الفنيّة to highlight the impression of neighborhood landmarks, architecture, theatres, the perfect that you expect to see in Korea. To make the performance of the band of Korean traditional music and dance with the centre for غوغواك National feel the spirit of Korean culture. It is worth noting that the status of غوغاك National was called the National Centre for the Performing Arts Korean traditional governmental body established to protect and promote the traditional culture of Korea. In the past, Korean traditional arts are held in the square is the separation of the public by the wall of the earthy and the ceiling in the form of a shield or kite, Theatre, gives the impression that he belongs to the era of the Korean old.
Saturday, 19 October 2013 Saturday, 19 October 2013