British artist Sabah Elarbilli is an elite pioneer in his chosen medium of modern Arabic contemporary and traditional forms which are most noted as remarkable and sometimes unconventional. Born in Arbil, Iraq in 1977, Sabah Arbilli started his journey to become one of the top Arabic calligraphy artists from a very young age. Sabah`s knowledge of calligraphy deepened after starting his engineering degree where he found the relationship between the principals of calligraphy and engineering. This enabled him to envisage calligraphy, the letter in a more accurate perspective seeing the natural beauty in the form. Katara will present 21 artworks for a new exhibition, demonstrating for the very first time artworks produced live in a gallery by Arbilli. He will capture the theme of Ramadan using letters and words which unravel a message and meaning. The title thus explanatory, “metaphoric changes,” when language changes, the innovation rarely comes out of nowhere. Arbilli brings to an audience a spectacular exhibition never seen before and works made showing transition from present to past.
Thursday, 11 July 2013 Sunday, 11 August 2013