Spray the filming of Magnum photographer HTP with Photographers Nicole and David. Workshop his own way of photography for a period of five days of intensive practice of photography and the development of language and visual والهويه الفوتغرافيه through some of the skills of scientific, technique, and expertise necessary Neither will discuss the work of the photographer, Magnum, and then participants will be encouraged to produce new work will be supported by the paparazzi over the weekend . The table of the shop.: The headquarters of the workshop in the studios of the katara art building ١٩ Time History ٥-٧ m ٨\١\٢٠١٣ ٤-٨ m ٩\١\٢٠١٣ ٤-٨ m ١٠\١\٢٠١٣ ٤-٨ m ١١\١\٢٠١٣ ٤-٨ m ١٢\١\٢٠١٣ Note : the workshop is free of charge. Studios katara art
Saturday, 12 January 2013 Saturday, 12 January 2013