Pussy dham, Mohamed Abu el-Naga artists living in Doha, I had the شرفُ work with them in the عددٍ of art projects. Dham artist country It is a sign of the artistic scene of the country, the artist مفعَم vibrant, and has a view unique to this town Doha. The aboulnaga is an artist Egyptian works. In Doha أمينًا فنيًّا, a man with a بحسٍّ technical عالٍ nostalgia, lasting for Alexandria, Cairo. مشروعٍ address أفكارًا, such as : "Utopia", "the city", and " he was coming to me, the two in the middle of the year 2102 وطرحَا عليَّ the idea of working on the inside The focus of the vision for this exhibition, which يُقدم in the halls of the display katara, under the title: "outside of the focus of vision", "the معًا", which was to serve as the point of The city. When كُلفت the management of the exhibition and the development of his ideas with them, أسرَّتني hypotheses (Luke: put the two of us since the very first moment, and I have no doubt that the exhibition will be a great experience for us جميعًا. Since the beginning, agreed to by the artists to develop art pieces that focus where كلٌّ to his city, and different lifestyles, the clash of people. Concerned create, develop, and build. That is consideration of the two cities through the eyes of the workers residing therein, لجَعل cities تعبِّر for itself. Through the voice of their children and their lives. لكنَّ the results of the شهرٍ of debate and artistic creation exceeded my expectations, فدهام تَعامل with the city as a postcard, while قدَّم us aboulnaga عمدًا. Cairo تصورًا سُحبت in which the city of Cairo to the outside is considered by the artists to the city, rather than in terms of population density, but also "focus vision" The angle of social factors and historical تُجسدها. Is the organization of cities عادةً through the imposition of نظامٍ govern the relations between the مكوِّناتها groups Multiple inhabit. What is required is that the تُؤمن the city, its inhabitants peace of mind and a life of dignity, with تطلُّع people to the life prospects of The best. But to achieve this semi-متعذِّر, which is hampered by مفاهيمُ and theories of human contrasting that try to جرَّ the city in other directions, which Actually means that there is no one picture تَصلح to represent the city in the shadow of a conflict of wills, domination, and exclusion. The officers of the city of human existence الحسيِّ as well as cultural viewpoints that must be تبنِّيها to explain some of the phenomena of unexpected, such as The control of the principles of the old, and أسلوبٍ in life works. The regulation of the relations between human beings, وفقًا لتغيُّر ideas and whims and behaviors – and Can separate this from the cultural diversity within the city.. There are differences of countless individuals, all competing to turn their dreams. In مسرحيتهولا doubt " the storm ": "we're all made up of the mud of dreams ". To the fact, or as he says "William Shakespeare" on the tongue "بروسبارو" We مَن engineering these dreams ويبنيها, and we أيضًا spectators who are watching these dreams and تُبنى. As we try to نحوِّل Our dreams and wishes into reality, take our hopes بالتشوه, as well as the image of the human inside of us. Watch pussy dham his city, in his typical style, technical special moves us مجموعةً of the dreams and the aspirations and concerns of the وبعضَ memories simple Sent from Doha بنَّاؤوها who were taking the development of its buildings يومًا after day, مشيِّدين أبنيةً soon we inhabit ونملؤها dreams and aspirations And concerns to us. كلُّ this, they'll send their memories to their original homes. Uses dham figure card mailing ليعبِّر on Fixes simple, deep, and have everything working, but all مغترِب in Doha to deal with يوميًّا. How we can carry in the two cities. Our hearts and minds to? As there is no final answer to this question, the work of the exhibition reflect the way he feels dham about this predicament, and thought about it. There is a feeling for sure, and deep sympathy with the workers and realities, the ومحاوَلة the courage to absorb human beings and communicate with them. Evokes Mohamed aboulnaga the revolution in his city in 52 February 1102, which were filled in the fields of Cairo with all kinds of initiatives in تحدٍّ of fear and domination. In his opinion, had been the subject of his city, the process of شدِّ وجهٍ full, and غيَّرت features significantly ولوَّنتها moving the tireless refuted all expectations and classifications. The city outside the focus of the vision, the جسدًا خاضعًا tension, والهمومُ, and the dreams of his ass. يصوِّر aboulnaga his city in the form of two men standing جنبًا to Side interests حزَم hay, which force it to ظهريهما. While this is الحزَم to become عبئًا مشتركًا يتحوَّل الجسدان to the tree of robust مثقَلة بالأغصان thirsty. Views binary by dham and Abu el-Naga connect the city to the motives of the various social. Here are two of the cities with إرثًا عربيًّا واحدًا, the And share the beliefs, and language, but two instances under the influence of Changes abruptly, which is one of the essential foundations of the city as a concept. Consider By the artists to the people from the point of view of the city, and the city from the point of view of the population, both of which show the movement of permanent change and continuous development In the words of the كنتَ can see, "José saramago's" in his novel "blindness" and the differences and overlap. Both الفنانينِ tell us that from a book. Consider, he noted. "." Sermons ": "see. The كنتَ you can.
Saturday, 11 May 2013 Saturday, 11 May 2013